Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Things You May Not Know About Me

I just thought I'd start a list entitled, "Things You May Not Know About Me"....
Clearly some of you will literally not know a thing. But these are things that even people who "think" they may know me ... may not know.
Numero Uno: I hate abbreviations in chats/ letters/ anything that means something to me. ie. if you were to say "i luv u 2" to me when I write you "I love you." ... I'd be like ....... no. It just makes it seem like you don't care enough to even type out an entire word for me. Instead, one letter will suffice.... Sorry, but I don't think so.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Question Bank

YAY!!! Finally did better than the "other students" on my question bank! lol. Usually I've been doing worse which is a slight bummer because I'm only doing questions for the test we have tomorrow (Pulm) rather than random and if I don't know this stuff NOW... how am I suppose to know it 5 months from now along with a million other subjects/facts?! :) Anyways, that just pretty much made my day :) Well morning... I still feel in a fog right now. The first hour after I wake up and get to school is like a dense fog. My brain is not yet up to speed... maybe because the coffee hasn't kicked in; or maybe it's just all in my head. Who knows. Does anyone else feel like this? I feel it would be ideal if I could get up early to take a run or something in the morning but really now. That's just not practical. I wish I could make it work like that but... yeah. Anyways, now I'm off to review some more lectures. Yippee. I can't wait to be done tomorrow :) Best...feeling...ever.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Nails: Never Thought I'd See This Day

I've always been that girl who has her nails painted a different color, sometimes neon, sometimes black, sometimes bright red, every week. I hardly ever used to let my nails go more than a week without repainting them. Chipping nails are one of my pet peeves. Now. How do I know I'm in med school? Take a look at my fingers... I thought I'd never see the day. I've given up painting them. There is just no time and I actually do not have the motivation to sit there and figure out a time in my schedule I can sit at home for an hour to do my nails every week. Now they are ridiculously short and unpainted, or painted with a clear "strengthening" nail polish. After having no time to constantly repaint them and see what it was like to have bare finger nails for more than an hour... I realized my nails are prrettyy shot. They could use a breather. So there you have it. This switch is probably better for the health of my nails as well as the few brain cells I probably killed each time I painted them but wow... its like a new outlook on life. ha. Cheers. I'm off to study a bit before bed :)