Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Nails: Never Thought I'd See This Day

I've always been that girl who has her nails painted a different color, sometimes neon, sometimes black, sometimes bright red, every week. I hardly ever used to let my nails go more than a week without repainting them. Chipping nails are one of my pet peeves. Now. How do I know I'm in med school? Take a look at my fingers... I thought I'd never see the day. I've given up painting them. There is just no time and I actually do not have the motivation to sit there and figure out a time in my schedule I can sit at home for an hour to do my nails every week. Now they are ridiculously short and unpainted, or painted with a clear "strengthening" nail polish. After having no time to constantly repaint them and see what it was like to have bare finger nails for more than an hour... I realized my nails are prrettyy shot. They could use a breather. So there you have it. This switch is probably better for the health of my nails as well as the few brain cells I probably killed each time I painted them but wow... its like a new outlook on life. ha. Cheers. I'm off to study a bit before bed :)

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